Sáb. Jul 27th, 2024
Productivity and organization go hand in hand such as two sides of a single coin. You’ll find it simpler to concentrate on what makes a difference and be more efficient at work the more planned you are. Finding the correct productivity tools, apps, and features that suit your needs and are flexible is the key to staying organized.


So, if you work from home, you probably won’t be collecting a lot of paper receipts. However, if and when that happens, applications like Smart Receipts are incredibly helpful for scanning receipts into or keeping track of your costs, either for tax purposes or your employment. The data it gathers can be exported in a number of formats that work well with spreadsheets.


Note-Circle(Apple, free)

This iPhone software is one of the most basic organizational tools available, but that’s part of what makes it appealing. It gives an easy way to remember yourself and check them off as part of your efforts to get everything done. You enter tasks, including the typical activities you wish to perform every day or week.

Any.do(Android/Apple, free)

This productivity tool, which combines a calendar and to-do list with advanced capabilities for syncing up with hundreds of other apps, from note-takers to social networks, is one of the Swiss folding knives of the productivity app market. You can try out the free version, but to access all of its features, you must pay a monthly subscription.

Dropbox (Mac Desktop, iOS & Android mobile apps)

Projects, tasks, and events are only a small part of the organization. A crucial aspect of the organization is how you save your data, and there are tools like Dropbox that make this simple. You can access data, images, documents, movies, and more with Dropbox, an online storage facility.

FamilyWall(Android/Apple, free + optional subscription)

Coordination of who does what when in a growing family can be challenging. A shared calendar, shopping, task lists chat, and FamilyvWall is some of the features offered by a group of family management apps. If more features are required, premium membership can be added.



Focus is a smart program that can help you manage your time if you spend some or all of your working hours at home. It organizes your day into 25-minute work blocks with breaks in between. The software can be used to keep track of duties, including homework and cleaning. After the initial three days of free use, membership is necessary.


Asana(Mac Desktop, iOS & Android mobile apps)

An Additional outstanding company with remarkable project management skills is Asana. The user edge of Asana makes it simple to cooperate on both team projects and separate tasks. With the help of its timeline tool, you can visualize your project timelines and establish linkages between jobs to pinpoint connections. 
good job at persuading you to put away your phone by employing the metaphor of planting a tree. Additionally, it is worthwhile to donate because the developers utilize a portion of the earnings to plant trees in the real world.

Ayoa (Android/Apple)

Not everyone prefers text-based lists; if you’re more of a pictorial person, Ayoa is worth having a look. It is a project-planning program that also enables you to «map» out your ideas and then share them digitally with coworkers. The mind maps can be very helpful even if you don’t use the project tools.

Sunsama (MacOS, iOS, Android)

Sunsama is a fantastic online organizer and app, whether you’re searching for a tool to manage chores or a flexible one for daily/weekly to-do lists. People at organizations including Uber, Hubspot, Spotify, and others have confidence in Sunsama. Multitasking professionals have benefited from Sunsama’s assistance with pressing assignments and more effective time management.



Otter is a great tool if you want to speak your thoughts out loud while working. It is a voice-recording program, but it also handles word transcription, making it simple to browse through previous recordings and find the passage you need. You can obtain 6,000 minutes of transcribing per month by buying to the premium version.



A software called Miro, marketed as a «collaborative whiteboard,» is made for people who collaborate in teams online, making it perfect for the present. Each ever extending «board» may hold not just uploaded photos and papers, but also electronic sticky notes and scribbles. Its free, basic version has additional capabilities available through subscriptions.


Why should you pay for an additional contacts app when every smartphone already has one built in? Cardhop is a nicely designed software for categorizing your contacts, adding notes, or doing quick searches when necessary. Its main selling points are its simplicity of use and striking appearance. Additionally, it includes an interactive business card that you may distribute through a QR code.

Toggl (Mac Desktop, mobile apps)

Toggl is an app for managing and tracking your time management. You can track how much time you spent on each program by adding a timer with the Toggl Chrome plugin. It makes it simple for you to plan,organize, and manage your day’s activities and priorities. Additionally, it provides sophisticated capabilities like idle detection to help you keep track of your daily productivity levels.

Actions by Moleskine (Android/Apple, subscription)

Moleskine now offers a variety of productivity apps in addition to its traditional notebooks and diaries. Actions is a straightforward but vibrant to-do list tool that can be used for both personal and professional tasks. Reminders may be easily put up for repeated chores as well. A free trial and a paid subscription are both offered for this.


It may seem unusual to download another smartphone app to help you stay focused as they are among the top sources of work-related distractions. However, Forest does a good job at persuading you to put away your phone by employing the metaphor of planting a tree. Additionally, it is worthwhile to donate because the developers utilize a portion of the earnings to plant trees in the real world.

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