Sáb. Jul 27th, 2024
International space station on orbit of the Earth planet. View from outer space.ISS. Earth with clouds and blue sky. Elements of this image furnished by NASA (url: https://images-assets.nasa.gov/image/iss056e201225/iss056e201225~small.jpg https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/files/styles/full_width_feature/public/thumbnails/image/iss065e333863.jpg)
Since the world began to impose further sanctions on Moscow, Russia has threatened to leave the International Space Station (ISS). Now that Russia is officially planning to depart in two years to seek its own Russian Orbital Service Station, it has caught everyone off guard (ROSS). Russia will depart the International Space Station after 2024, according to Yuri Borisov, the country’s new space chief, who made the announcement on July 26.
This has surprised many people because the International Space Station (ISS) was a unique example of cooperation between the United States, Russia, and its partners. In addition to ending its space alliance with the ISS, Russia intends to launch its own space station, known as the ROSS.
But according to Vladimir Solovyov, general designer of RSC Energia and Russian manned systems, construction on a new Russian Orbital Service Station (ROSS) won’t begin until 2028. ROSS’s initial module could be released between 2027 and 2028.
China’s Tiangong, which is expected to start operating later this year, would make Russia the second nation in the world to have an operational space station. ROSS’s configuration, however, is by no means permanent; for instance, depending on which orientation among its launch locations Russia finds more advantageous, It can be launched into a 51.6-degree orbit (like the ISS) or a 97-degree orbit that is nearly polar. The upcoming ISS departure has been presented by Roscosmos as a chance to transition to the next outpost.
The Russian Orbital Service Station, or ROSS, was the name of the facility, and its industrial code was 615GK. Since then, it has been asserted that the ROSS project is connected to the ISS in a way that also aims to displace it. The Orbital Piloted Assembly and Experiment Complex (OPSEK) concept was the starting point for ROSS, but it later evolved into plans for a completely new, independent Russian space station that wouldn’t employ any components from the Russian Orbital Segment of the ISS.
With a 400 km altitude and a sun-synchronous orbit, ROSS will be able to see the whole surface of the Earth, including the Arctic. Due to our orbit, the station will be able to accomplish two vital tasks: it will make it easier to access the station than the ISS, enabling more medical and physiological experiments than are currently possible on the Russian Orbital Segment of the ISS, and it will allow for high-frequency observation of Russia from space. NEM-1, also referred to as Science Power Module 1, will be the core module of ROSS (SPM-1).


The NEM-1 module will undergo a 1.5–2-year development phase in order to get ready for its new position as a part of ROSS. NEM-1’s initial launch plan called for it to reach the International Space Station in 2024, however that idea was eventually shelved. ROSS is anticipated to feature up to seven modules with a 2035 completion date, with the initial phase of construction consisting of four of them: the base NEM-1 module, a modified NEM, a node module, and a gateway module. Additionally, according to former Roscosmos Chief Dmitry Rogozin, ROSS would be autonomous, requiring just maintenance and the replacement of scientific equipment. He said that the RAS Space Council and the Presidium of the Scientific and Technical Council of Roscosmos met jointly to make this decision.

Russian cosmonauts would get a significantly wider view of the Earth from the new station than they do from their existing portion, according to Roskosmos. Although plans for some of the new station’s components are practically complete, other elements are still undergoing design.

According to state-run Russian media, the first stage’s launch is anticipated to occur between 2025 and 2026 and no later than 2030. They have stated that the second and final stage’s launch is scheduled for 2030–35. According to current plans, the space station would be manned twice a year for extended durations instead of being manned permanently.

The previous head of Roskosmos and hardliner Dmitry Rogozin has said that, if necessary, the new space station may have a military function. Rogozin is well known for his harsh words against the West. Cosmonauts will likely be dispatched to ROSS for just a few months each year to help Russian scientists with their research, which, according to Solovyov, will focus on cosmic ray physics, space technology, and space materials science (including nanotechnologies). They might experiment with robotics and watch the aurora.

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